That’s my son, Tyler, sitting at the bottom of the Lincoln Memorial this past weekend during the Walk Now for Autism 2008 walk. This was the half-way point.
If you want to see some photos of the event, I have uploaded them to my Flickr account. Here is the link: Team Capes & Babes Walk Now for Autism 2008 photos.
And this was from my original post:
As some of you may know, my nine year old son, Tyler, is autistic. Two years ago, Tyler’s sister and her dad (me) participated in our very first Walk Now event in Washington DC. We weren’t able to participate in it last year but we’re really excited to do so THIS year.
The event is November 8th, 2008 in Washington, DC. I have created a Capes & Babes team. If you’re in the Northern Virginia, Maryland or DC area and would like to join my Walk Now team, please send me an e-mail at capesnbabes (at) for more information.
If, on the other hand, you feel this is a worthy cause and would like to donate to the Capes & Babes Walk Now autism team, you can make an online donation at the following link:
For online donations, there is a $20 minimum but if you would like to donate less then $20, the link above also has an additional link that tells you how you can make a donation via check or money-order.
This is an extremely donation-worthy event as autism is a frightening increasing disability among children in this country so if you deem my team worthy of your hard earned dollars, I thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart.
Also, a few years ago, I participated in an autism charity comic book called “Bots”. I would love to organize something similar to that. If any web comic creators out there would be interested in either participating or helping me organize such an event, please contact me at the e-mail above as I would be very interested in discussing such a project with anyone who has experience with such a project.
Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.