Walk Now for Autism
This year’s National Walk Now for Autism is November 6th in Washington, DC. As many of you know, my son is autistic and as such, this is an event my family looks forward to every year. The Walk Now organizers always put on a great event with lots of activities and music for everyone.
This year, my family and I are joining Team Victory for the Walk. Team Victory was set up by Michelle Ogden, a George Mason University student who does a lot of one-on-one work with Tyler (my son). If you would like to join our team and help show your support to autism and autism research, you can do so by making a donation to the link below or come to the Washington DC mall and walk with us this year.
Here is the link where you can donate to “Team Victory”:
I think that yes, it’s fair. As long as you have the support syetsm (emotional, social, financial) in place so that you will be able to care for both children, and provide for both of their needs which may be very different. As long as one of the kids is not neglected due to the needs of the other child, I think it could be a pretty fantastic experience for everyone involved I am an autistic and adopted only child parenting an autistic only child and I think that the one thing missing from our family is another child. If I were to adopt, I’d lean toward adopting a child with autism, as I can’t imagine raising a non-autistic child or attempting to balance raising one of each (for lack of a better term). I wish we had the option to add another child to our family, but I feel like I’m strapped already (I have rheumatoid/autoimmune arthritis and spine damage). Hope this helps Let us know what you decide!