Heroes Con 2008
Heroes Con, June 2008 was my very first Comic Con as a “pro” artist. The experience was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Being essentially a “nobody”, the people in Charlotte, North Carolina welcomed me and Capes & Babes with open arms.
It will be very hard to forget the excitement and energy I felt during the three-day con (also my first). I have had plenty of experience going to a two-day con as a fan so it was EXTREMELY interesting to experience a three-day con… not only as a fan but as an artist in “artist alley”. I should have done this years ago.
Anyway, here are some pics from Heroes Con 2008…
Below are photos from Heroes Con that will give you an idea of what I will be selling at Baltimore:
Capes & Babes mini comics
I drink plenty of flavored water T-shirts
Mini Sketch Cards
Full-color Commissions
(That’s Danielle Corsetto’s lovely hands holding up a full-color sketch I did of her Girls with Slingshot characters)
And, of course, Convention Sketches
And if you’re not familiar with Capes & Babes or what I might look like, here’s a picture of me at my table at Heroes Con:
(Hopefully, there will be a few less pounds of me at Baltimore)
So again, I will be at table #121. Hope to see you all there!
-Chris Flick
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