Cool stuff
Cool Stuff
Hulk-Norris mad
Custom Twitter or Forum Caricature Avatars
Custom Caricature Avatars
I am currently accepting commissions to create custom caricature avatars. If you are interested in having one done, each full color avatar (like the two above) are $25. If interested, please send me an e-mail at capesnbabes [at] for more information as well as my Paypal link. Capes ‘N’ Babes Fan Art Got some fan art? If you do, send it my way at capesnbabes at
Or, if you want to do it the snail mail way, you can send your art here: Capes ‘N’ Babes Fan Art 1437 F Street Banners and wallpapers I will soon be posting banners and wallpaper designs in this section as well. Come back for updates or send me an e-mail for a request you’d like to see. Fan art Even though Capes ‘N’ Babes is a newborn web comic, if you have a favorite character that you’ve put your artistic touch to, you can also e-mail me a JPEG, PNG or GIF version of your art and I’ll post it here. |
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