Welcome to Heroes Con…
A little bit of background on this particular strip (and the next two upcoming ones as well)…
Originally – thanks to Twitter – a bunch of web comic artists are doing a “crotch star Monday” thing in honor of Danielle Corsetto who started the whole darn thing in her great strip, Girls with Slingshots.
Well, I wanted to join the party too but I just couldn’t make anything fit in three or four panels AND STILL have it fit my current storyline. So, as is typical for a cartoonist, I came up with a way to still participate (albeit a little late) and STILL get two extra strips out of the deal.
So, if you want to see crotch stars in Capes & Babes, you’ll have to follow this week’s series of strips to see where the crotch stars might show up. Yeah… I’m a real stinker, aren’t I???
Currently listening to O.A.R.’s “Turn the car around”…
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