Trick or treat…
I hope everyone out there has a wonderful and safe Halloween tonight.
As a little Capes & Babes extra..
I had to digitally re-draw Marc’s head in the first panel of today’s strip as I had originally drawn Marc without the Battlestar Gallactica Viper helmet. Then, in the second panel, I was originally just going to draw Marc with the classic BSG leather jacket but thought it might look better if he was actually wearing the Viper helmet.
Of course, it wasn’t until after I had already inked and scanned in the strip that I realized if I didn’t change anything, it would look like Marc wasn’t wearing the helmet in the first panel and then suddenly he was wearing it in the second panel. Or, worse yet, it might look like there was a mysterious third person that suddenly disappeared between the first and second panels.
Fortunately though, digitally drawing the back of a Viper helmet in shadow isn’t that difficult at all! 🙂
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the MonstaBratz for this Halloween week.
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