Tidewater Comic Con Thanks…
As Roy said in the little illustration above, I also want to give a big shout-out to a great Tidewater Comic Con show on Saturday. I believe the organizers of the show posted a picture from their attendance clicker and it showed 3503 were in attendance on Saturday.
And it sure felt like it sometimes as I literally did not stop drawing until about a half hour before the show was about to end. All the people that stopped by my table were so very, very gracious as I quickly fell behind from the onslaught of caricature sketch card requests. Sometimes, I feel I need to have another person at my table helping me fulfill orders, take requests and pass out purchased prints. I apologize if I ended up causing you to wait longer than you would have liked. Usually, I do a much. much better job of keeping track of everyone and doing them in the proper order but things got very chaotic very quickly at the show – and that was mainly because the response was so great.
How great was it?
So many people took advantage of the “spend $10, get a Capes & Babes keychain” that I only have a handful of them left.
I sold out of all the prints I had of Captain America Minion.
I sold out of all the prints I had of Spidey Minion.
I sold out of all the prints I had for Wonder Woman Minion.
I darn near sold out of all the Power Puff girls as DC Comics ladies that I had.
In fact, I have to do a full inventory of all the prints I have left and see what I have to re-generate before this weekend’s Awesome Con – and it looks like I have a LOT to re-generate.
But that’s all a testament of the crowd that showed up at the Tidewater Comic Con on Saturday.
To all of you that now have Capes & Babes merchandise from the show, I truly, truly thank you for your support!
I haven’t been to a comic convention since HeroesCon 2012! It was a shame that I couldn’t go to TidewaterComicon in my own backyard this year! I hope I get to see y’all next year at TidewaterComicon 2015!
I think there is talk of possibly having another show in October so you make not have to wait until 2015, Aerock! 🙂
Hoping to see you at AwesomeCon! I’ll be there a bit on Saturday.
It would be a shame if we don’t catch up with each other at Awesome Con, Amber. You know where I’ll be… AA Table O-3. Here’s hoping we catch up with each other! 🙂