A Hulk of a different color…
I’m a baaaaaaad, bad cartoonist…
I’m probably going to get some slack for the cartoon above but before I do, the nice thing about having a blog below the cartoon is the blog gives you a chance to read what’s going on inside my head. So, with that being said, let me just say that I have absolutely no problems with any kind of “alternative lifestyle” whatsoever. In fact, I have many friends – and relatives – who are, in fact, gay. I understand and see the difficulties and challenges of what they go through on a daily basis. And I also know all too well that the above depiction could be considered a terrible stereotype. Pink Hulk is not meant to be an insult to anyone. Instead, it’s supposed to be light hearted fun just as when my gay friends and relatives poke fun at my balding head or my inherit “redneck-ness”.
If we try hard enough, we can easily find things that insult, mock or ridicule us. That’s the easy thing. The hard thing is being comfortable enough within our own skin to realize every stereotypical depiction of a homosexual, a redneck, a Jewish person or any other minority is not necessarily a personal slap to our face. Mel Brooks proved this in “Blazing Saddles”… that sometimes, we have to make fun of stereotypes and bigotry in order to prove exactly how ridiculous they truly are.
Pink Hulk is not a representative of homosexuals. He just happens to be an overly muscular pink dude that enjoys maxing his credit card out on massive shopping trips.
No more. No less.
Currently listening to Stevie Nicks…
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