The werewolf club…
Saw “Narnia: Prince Caspian” last night with my daughter. It was a really good follow-up to the first one but I always enjoy seeing cool, fantastical creatures like half men/half horses (what they are really called escapes me at the moment) and things like that.
This strip is a little late as I had a freelance project given to me late Thursdsay afternoon. I had to have four full color illustrations done and printed by Saturday afternoon AND still somehow get this strip done also. Well, I managed to get the strip inked and scanned but held off on the dialog until this morning because, after Narnia, I wasn’t feeling all that well. Whatever it was, it’s gone now but man, I tell you, the amount of rain we have had in Virginia this Spring has really been aggravating.
If you ever movie to Northern Virginia, please be aware that during the Spring and Summer, we have only two kinds of weather… EXTREMELY DRY (and hot and humid) or EXTREMELY WET. Seems this year, the powers that be have deemed it to be an extremely wet season (but also a very cold on too) so maybe my body is extremely confused and I was feeling the effects yesterday.
In any case the strip is done and this afternoon, I am placing my order for my Capes ‘N’ Babes comic convention banner! Really excited about that!
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