Thanks Luzers Harmony!
The other night, while watching the old boob tube (the TV for all you youngin’s out there), I saw at least three eHarmony ads in one hour – at least I’m pretty sure it was three. It might have been four since they all kind of ran together – or might even have been the same ad on repeat.
I just thought… if I was still single and looking for a relationship, would having those ads run again and again and again in such a short time span motivate me to JOIN eHarmony? Or would they make me so mad or depressed that I would end up doing anything BUT join eHarmony?
So, I decided to create the worst named dating service possible. For all of you who get frustrated with eHarmony’s mocking your relationship life, I hope you appreciate today’s strip.
News and other stuff:
This Sunday, I will be in Richmond, Virginia attending the Virginia Comic Con. Click the link and check out their site. And, ff you’re in the area this Sunday, why not come by and see me?
For those reading the strip via RSS feed, I currently have a poll going on asking those that read the strip whether they are a Capes (m) or a Babes (f) but you can only participate in the poll from my web site. The poll is located at the top of my right hand side bar on my front page.
Commissions and caricatures
I am currently offering to do commissions and/or caricatures for this holiday season. If you’re looking for a totally unique, one-of-a-kind gift for someone this year, why not give them a caricature? If you’d like to see some of my previous caricature work, my caricature work can be found here on my portfolio web site. If interested, please send me an e-mail at capesnbabes (at) with “Caricatures” or “Commissions” in the subject box.
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