Streets of Philadelphia…
Boy, lots to say today. First kids, here’s the important reason why you should always build up a buffer of strips if you want to do this cartooning thing “professionally”: Monday evening, while playing my normal game of volleyball at the gym, I dislocated my left pinky. Fortunately, I draw with my right hand so if I had dislocated any finger on my right hand, I would have been royally screwed. Now, even though I’m out of commission from playing volleyball or baseball for a few weeks, I can still draw.
Second, for all of you Philly people out there that might take a bit offense to today’s strip, please bare in mind that I live 20 minutes outside of “the murder capital of the world” known as Washington DC, so it’s only poking a little bit of inter-city rivalry/fun at Philly. It’s all supposed to be in good natured fun. And if Brad Guigar himself thinks today’s strip was funny, well hey… maybe you can too! Don’t shoot the messenger and all that, you know?
And lastly… man-o-man, what a friggin’ all star game! I got home from my own baseball game tonight thinking that I got home just in time to see who might have won the MVP. That was at 11:00pm. Little did I know that I actually got home in enough time to see the REAL game! It was actually kind of refreshing to see “secondary” all-stars make such a huge contribution to the game! Yeah, I’m disappointed that the National League lost yet again but secretly, I was so hoping for a 16th inning – just to see what kind of craziness would have happened. I tell you, unless the expand the all-star rosters to include more pitchers, AND if they keep this silly rule of World Series home field advantage, one of these days you will see a position player have to come in a pitch an inning or two. THAT will be GREAT!
Anyway, hope you all get a big kick out of today’s strip!
I’m going to bed!
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