Roy & Roni go to Heroes 2009…
Wow! What a con! Met a lot of fantastic people (Hello Chris and Little John). I met, talked and showed Brian Pulido a Lady Death sketch cartoon I had done. He got a huge laugh out of it (pics to come later). I did a ton of commission sketches this year – the most I have ever done at a con before. And I even put up a fully illustrated cartoon in the art auction (first time I’ve ever done that).
And, if you’re wondering, for the auction, I did a 9×12″ full color marker illustration on Doctor Doom defeating The Thing… in “paper, rock, scissors” because, of course, Ben always plays “rock”! So, whoever bid the $50 on my piece, you really made my night. With all the great art that was on display, I thought I was going to have to bid for my own piece so you really made my night, whoever you are.
Sorry today’s strip is a bit late. The trip was long and exhausting and I thought I had a men’s baseball game scheduled tonight but it got canceled at the last minute. otherwise, this guy would have been posted a LOT sooner. The con was a real boost of energy and I have some really funny ideas coming up so I hope you stay tuned.
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