ROM gets a job…
Now, how many of you all remember 7-Zark-7? I couldn’t resist including him as ROM’s addiction sponsor. Seems to makes sense since he spent most of his career babying five teenagers.
As for AMWAY, I can’t tell you how many times I used to be recruited by friends I hadn’t seen in a long, long time to be an AMWAY “franchise”. Like a single person could be a “franchise”. I’m sure there are lots of people that make a good career or money with AMWAY but for the life of me, I could never quite figure the whole process out. I knew they had products to sell but every darn meeting I ever went to always seems to be a process of not really actually selling anything but to recruit OTHERS to sell FOR You. Hence the sneaky “recruitment” by friends you hadn’t seen in years! I used to have a big problem being able to say “no”, so I ended up going to quite a bit of AMWAY pitches.
Heck, the only entity that tried to recruit me more then AMWAY was the Marines. And it’s not that I have anything against the Marines but when I tried to explain to them that I would never be able to pass the physical (a slight little hearing problem), that STILL didn’t seem to matter to them. Plus, I knew from very early on in high school that the military would be a bad fit for me. Again, nothing against the military. I’m an ex-military brat and had a blast when I was younger and my dad was in the Air Force but as I got older, I just knew military life would be a bad fit for me. Sort of like when some people realize college isn’t right for them. Or going for their Masters isn’t right for them. Doesn’t mean anything is wrong with that. It just means they realize what’s not right for them and the military wasn’t right for me.
Just like AMWAY wasn’t either.
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