On the road again…
By the time you read this, I’ll be busy trying to sell all my stuff and make a buck or two at Heroes Con this weekend. If you’re in the area (Charlotte, North Carolina), why don’t you drop by and say “hi”? 🙂
By the way, yeah, that’s my OOOOOLD Suzuki Samurai. Used to have a white one with a pull-out cassette radio. It was cool until I blew the engine and the hood latch rusted so much that I either couldn’t open the hood, or when I did, I couldn’t close it. And finding Samurai parts around Northern Virginia was ALWAYS a pain in the butt or HIGHLY expensive.
The car – or, as my wife called it, my “baby Jeep” – was great the first couple of years I had it but once it hit that magical 100,000 miles, it was all down hill from there.
Any other Suzuki Samurai owners out there???
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