Nerd porn…
Now, if THAT title doesn’t bring me some traffic, I don’t know what will! 🙂
On a serious note though, if you could take a few moments to read the “Pin-ups & Sketch Card” blog post, I would be very appreciative – even more so if you took me up on one of those offers…
But that’s not really what I wanted to write about tonight. Instead, I wanted to give everyone a head’s up to let you know that in the very near future, I am planning on running some of my favorite “CMX Suite” strips that I do for Community MX. I’m doing that for a variety of reasons…
1) I REALLY need to take the time to build up a buffer for Capes & Babes. I see this almost on a daily basis and I’m beginning to feel the pinch (and pressure) of not having a big enough buffer…
2) I also REALLY, REALLY need to get back to working on my Capes & Babes website re-design. I haven’t been able to do that yet due to so many other prior commitments – including the consistent posting of this strip. But something has to give way… the new design is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity and I need to make it that.
Hmmm… okay, so I guess there’s really only TWO reasons but they are really BIG reasons.
Hopefully though, you all will enjoy my “CMX Suite” cartoons – at least those of you that haven’t read or know about them. 🙂
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