Michael Corley Guest Strip…
Today’s Guest Trip is from Michael Corley. Here is Michael Corley’s bio”
Michael Corley is a professional storyteller, voice actor and magician who wanted to created short comics to add content to his performance website. Staring in 2008 he made them digitally, but soon resolved to create a hand-drawn comic that could tell a story with a supernatural twist.
After teaching himself to draw in 2010 he started “Vox in a Box”, the tale of college student Michael Vox who discovers the soul of a girl is trapped inside him. Even worse, this tasty morsel is attracting every monster imaginable and they want it for supper!
It can be read three times a week at VoxBoxComics.Com. Michael also hosts the Podcast “Vox in a Box”, telling the tales of Marvels Merry Mutants – The X-Men. It can be found on Itunes.
One of the reasons why today and Monday’s strip were guest strips is because I am currently coaching an instructional fall baseball team. This team is predominantly made up of various players that played with and against the Little League team I helped coach this past summer but now all the players are playing on a full size, regulation baseball field.
If you’re not familiar with the difference, Little League fields are 60 feet between each base and, usually, the typical out field is 200 feet from home plate. On a regulation size baseball field, the bases are 90 feet from one another and the outfield is usually 300 feet or more in the outfield. There are also a lot of different rules between Little League and playing on a regulation size field – the biggest probably being how stealing is dealt with. In Little League, a runner can not advance until a catcher has caught a pitch. And the runner can’t get a lead until after the catcher has the ball. Of course, none of that applies to regulation size fields so it always takes a while before a 13 year old kid gets accustomed to the fact that he can run
Discussion (4) ¬
Michael, great job on today’s guest strip. I can see Roy doing exactly that! 😀
Bill, that is EXACTLY what I told Michael when he first sent me this guest strip of his. I thought the totally nailed down Roy’s tendency to over-react to almost any situation involving himself. 🙂
Michael really brings out the feral in this strip! Love it!