Kristian Jones…
Hey everybody…
It’s been a little over a year since Capes & babes made its online debut so I thought that was time enough where I could finally start doing… oh, you know, some CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! 🙂
Hope you guys are enjoying learning a little bit about Marc’s past. Today’s strip only marks the beginning of why exactly Marc isn’t anxious to make a move on Joey even though it’s so obvious that when a girl like Joey hangs around you, she’s actually INTERESTED in you. But us guys… we can be real big clueless dorks sometimes.
Will Miller does a strip called The 602 comic and he sent me some fan art of Marc, Joey and Roy in a kick ass Star Wars tribute. If you want to see a bigger version, click the image below.
On a complete side note, I TOTALLY dig how Will draws baseball hats. I just thought I’d mention that. Go check out his strip. In the mean time, enjoy this cool little piece of art!
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