Joe Comb’s guest strip…
My really good friend (I have one or two), Joe Combs, does a really fine strip called Business Casual that runs every Monday and Friday in glorious technicolor – or, since it’s on the net, would that be “glorious RGBcolor”?
Anyway, in honor of Capes & Babes turning one year old last week, Joe decided to surprise me with a guest strip this past weekend. And, since I just got back from the Virginia Comic Con in Richmond, Virginia late last night, I decided today would be a great day to run Joe’s guest strip.
I thought Joe pegged Roy absolutely perfect with the bargain bin and the Werewolf comic. I really should do more “Werewolf by night” gags! 🙂
And YOU really should check out Joe’s comic strip! Again, it runs every Monday and Friday so a new strip from Joe should be up by the time you read this post.
Joe, thanks again! This is very much appreciated and I love the strip – especially since you nailed Roy’s personality.
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