Interview in Time…
If you have never seen “Somewhere in Time”, go rent it today for a couple of reasons:
1) It will earn you HUGE brownie points with your woman since it’s a 110% complete “chick flick”…
2) It was Christopher Reeves’ first acting gig following his introduction to the world as “Superman”…
3) It features a very young (and still very hot) Jane Seymour
4) It features one of the best (and most tragic) plot devices for time travel in movies (and the catalyst for today’s punchline)
There’s a bunch more but those are the most important ones and besides, I I want to leave some space to write about a very special birthday today…
My daughter’s.
Dani, I want to wish you a very special and happy birthday today. It seems just like yesterday that I was strapping you into the car seat of my Suzuki Samurai on my day off from working at the newspaper and taking you down to the local pond where we would feed ducks, geese and fish all afternoon.
And to think as a new dad of only four years, as much as I enjoyed that time, I was also very petrified you’d somehow fall into the lake. Somehow, I didn’t mess up and you stayed dry every one of those Friday afternoons.
Well, as you’re growing up each and every day, you’re experiencing your own lakes – and feeding your own fish, ducks and geese. You’ll have your own fears of falling in and getting wet but not on this day. This day, I hope the world stays nice and dry for you as you celebrate one more year of your life and grow in to the woman you are all too quickly becomming.
Your mom and dad (and brother too) love you very much.
Happy birthday, darlin’.
-Your dad!
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