I got a coupon…
Okay, I admit it… Marc’s wallet could easily be MY wallet. Guys like to kid women about all the junk that’s in their purses but how many of us guys are just as guilty of hording pieces of paper, business cards, coupons or even sports game ticket stubs in our wallets only to find them years later when our wallet has become too unbearable to sit on or fold?
C’mon now… raise your hand, guys. You KNOW you’ve been there! So just remember that the next time you’re giving your female significant other some ribbing about having too much stuff in her purse. 🙂
On another subject, if you’re a fan of the great web comic called PC Weenies and you read the “Bogus Buy” that’s mentioned in today’s strip and wondered if that was the same store that’s also in PC Weenies well… it is. On Wednesday, Bob Weiner will show up in this strip (even though he doesn’t technically work at Bogus Buy any more in the PC Weenie strip).
So if you are a fan of Krishna’s work, why don’t you send him an e-mail, Twit or post a comment on his blog letting him know PC Weenies will be featured in Capes & Babes just like Dewey and Mel were from Unshelved (and after you read Friday’s strip, you’ll know exactly what I mean).
And lastly, my wife and I had a blast on our 17th anniversary. Judi especially had a great time watching me make a fool of myself as I passed my BRAND NEW POSTCARDS out to anyone and everyone that was walking in the lobby of the Regal Cinema 20 theaters in Midlothian, Virginia. Midlothian is about 12 miles outside of Richmond. We also saw the 10:00pm show and talked about it in great deal as we drove home and finally got home at 3:00am. Judi’s never read Watchmen but I have. I won’t go into a full movie review here but I thought it was an excellent portrayal of the book and I enjoyed it quite a bit.
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