Hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts
If you’re fortunate to have a Krispy Kreme doughnut factory near your place of business or home, then you will absolutely understand and get this strip.
I’m fortunate to have one about 30 minutes away from where I live. I used to live even closer to the factory years ago. I also used to have to drive right by it on the way home from one of my many graphic design gigs in Washington, DC.
People will tell you that hot Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts are like eating melted sugar. Actually, I don’t really think anyone EATS a Krispy Kremem doughnut. You put one in your mouth and it simply dissolves.
Now, understand, I’m not talking about the kind that you might find in a box in a grocery store. No… I’m specifically talking about the ones fresh off the assembly line in a Krispy Kreme doughnut factory. If you don’t have one by your house but come across one in your travels, I urge you to stop in and buy a dozen HOT doughnuts and taste them melt in your mouth.
The thing is though, the hot doughnuts can be a little sticky since they are covered in hot glaze so naturally, all things – especially werewolf hair – would be attracted to them like animal hair is attracted to dark clothing. hence the last panel.
Great… now I made myself hungry…
On a personal note though, I also wanted to add that last week, I wrote an e-mail to someone who was – and is – a great influence in terms of my views of superheroes. If, after reading some of the strips in Capes ‘N’ Babes, you haven’t figured out who that might be, it is none other then Fred Hembeck himself.
Yesterday, I got an absolutely TERRIFIC response from him and he let me know he was a fan of the strip. I don’t know what his convention schedule looks like but if he decides to attend Heroes Con or Baltimore Con, I definitely hope to meet him and introduce myself.
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