Friends in high places…
This is an example of why the ‘Net is so great. It affords you the opportunity to create friendships with people you otherwise may never have met. And chances are, Lee Cherolis and I – unless we accidentally bumped into each other at a comic convention – probably would never know each other. But thanks to the web, we do!
As you all know from my post on Monday, I put my cherished cat, Seagrams, to rest that morning. I didn’t go into work that day and I felt very little desire to draw or do anything remotely creative. But yesterday, as I finished checking my business e-mail at work, I take a look at my Google e-mail and was very pleasantly surprised by an e-mail from Lee with an attachment. So, I open the attachment and I find his wonderful strip of Roy, Joey and Marc that’s posted above. Needless to say, it was something that really hit the spot and put a smile on my face. I absolutely love the way Lee drew Joey. I might even have to “steal” a few little things in the way he drew her. Hope you don’t mind, Lee! 😉
And as for Lee himself, he’s a wonderful digital artist that does an equally wonderful, illustrative web comic called Better You Than Me. Please click on the link and check out his work. He is a member of the Indy Web Comics Group as well as a fellow member of C4. C4 is a collection of web comic creators that have decided to band together to help each other promote our web comic endeavors. Lee and I (along with a few other C4 creators) will be at the Baltimore Comic Con in September.
You’ll soon see me post more information about C4 and out Talkshoe Podcast once my new site re-design goes live (which will be very, very soon). In the mean time, please enjoy Lee’s interpretation of my three main characters as much as I do.
Thanks Lee!
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