Filler – Free Comic Book Day…
Hey everybody… as many of you might know, Saturday was Free Comic Book Day where I spent the entire day (and most of the evening) at Little Fish Comics in Fredericksburg, VA. I got there at 9:30am and didn’t leave the Fredericksburg area until a little after 10 that evening and got home around 11:15pm or so. Little Fish Comics is about 45 minutes or so from my house without any traffic. More on that in just a moment.
In addition to all of the sketch cards you see in today’s filler, I also did two 9×12″ full color commissions of the Weather Wizard and of Green Arrow. I had to do those Sunday morning as my son had a Challenger’s Little League game in Fredericksburg at 3:00pm on Sunday so I promised the commissionee that I’d drop the commissions off at Little Fish Comics before heading to my son’s baseball game.
Basically, the entire afternoon was filled with driving all over the Northern Virginia area and, once the family got back home, the evening was shot and, to say the least, I was spent. So, I decided to create this filler. You can also see enlarged versions of all of the above caricatures by click through the Free Comic Book day gallery below.
Guest Strips Wanted
But before you click through the gallery, next weekend, my family will be at Virginia Beach participating in the Little League Challenger’s Jamboree. We will be leaving Friday evening and won’t be back until late Sunday evening. I will be too tired to post anything next Monday so if you ever wanted to do a Capes & Babes guest strip, now would be a perfect time to do so. I know it’s short notice but I would need them before I leave on Friday evening.
The strips can be anything you want and as tall as you want – they just can’t exceed 900 pixels wide. You can send them to me via my e-mail at capesnbabes [at]
Here are my pics from Free Comic Book Day:
[nggallery id=17]
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