Fang and Fury…
Okay… rule of thumb for cartoonists who want to put a vampire with white skin in their strip but then ALSO put that same vampire in a Powergirl outfit… maybe not a good decision. C’mon, white on white? Not great when you’re adding COLOR to your strip.
But hey, I think this one came out pretty okay. What do you all think?
Again, maybe not a strong HAHA strip but don’t worry, I’m leading up to something.
And trust me, you have only BEGUN to see “Fang and Fury”…
A reminder:
This entire Memorial Day weekend (starting later on today), I will be at Balticon 43. I will be selling a variety of things, INCLUDING the just recently published “You can’t print Flick” book. So if you’re in the Hunt Valley, Maryland area this weekend, c’mon by! I would love to see you there!
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