This weekend – April 9-11th – is RavenCon 2010 in Richmond, Virginia. I will be there all day Saturday and Sunday. I’ll be there late on Friday but I won’t be able to drive to Richmond until after work on Friday afternoon.
I will be moderating a panel on Saturday called “What webcomics you should be reading” so if you would like to contribute to my panel, here is where you can suggest webcomics I should mention and why people should be reading them.
I plan on providing constant Tweets during the convention – heck, I might even Tweet during the panels I’m either moderating or participating in. If you would like to attend, please click on the link at the top for RavenCon and go to their website for more information.
Thanks everyone!
PS: No, it didn’t escape my attention and irony scanners that Roy would have a Google Alert Chime that makes a “Bing!” sound. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he made that ironic alert sound himself… 😉
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