Crotch star – Super star…
Boy, this is really difficult. I DID want to title this particular blog 100 STRIPS!!! since I reached that web comic milestone today – but I also didn’t want to take away the fact that this strip today was the culmination of something completely inspired by Danielle Corsetto and a real brief Twitter feed response. So, I also wanted to give proper credit to her – ESPECIALLY since she was so kind enough to mention me on her home page and send a load of traffic my way.
For all of you Girls with Slingshot fans, I thank you and I hope you appreciate Capes & Babes and find it worthy enough of your attention every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
With that being said, today DOES mark my 100TH STRIP!
When Capes & Babes went online November 12th, 2007, the initial goal was always to get to 100 strips. Now the secondary goal is to get to 200 and put a book together. I’ve already crunched the dates and the numbers so it won’t be possible to have 200 strips (and a book) done by Baltimore Comic Con in September. So, instead, I’m shooting for the Pittsburgh Comic Con next year as a place setter for the first Capes & babes book.
Many of you might know that even though Capes & babes debuted in November, I have been doing a weekly comic strip for a web site called Community MX for the last five years. Well, I thought those past five years would have provided enough experience in order to do Capes three times a week, but let me tell you, it’s a world of difference doing one strip a week to doing four strips a week (as I am still doing “CMX Suite”). But in the past year, I really think Capes has pushed my cartooning, story and joke telling to all new levels. I hope everyone out there that has discovered Capes & Babes agrees.
So, next year, besides trying to get a book together, the secondary-secondary goal is to make Capes & Babes weekly daily.
That is, if I can EVER get back to having a buffer again.
Thanks again everyone who has made or discovered the first 100 strips of Capes & Babes. Marc, Joey, Roy and I all thank you.
Chris Flick
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