Conservation Annoyance…
Every Thursday night, I record a Podcast with Matt Stout called “The Lightbox – Illuminating Webcomics”. Usually, it’s just me and Matt talking about our creative process or things we see in the webcomics community. Added to that, we normally record for about an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.
But tonight was different.
Tonight, we recorded LIVE on Talkshoe because we had a special guest with us – our good friend Tyler James. Tonight’s podcast went way over what we usually record. I think we hit just a little over 2 hours or so but it’s a really great conversation about “the dip” creators go through.
Because of that, I didn’t start on the strip until almost 11 o’clock this evening so I’m keeping this blog post short and sweet. I’ll add the links to all the parties mentioned above later on tomorrow.
Thanks for reading!
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