CMX Suite – Bill Gates retires…
Hello folks… this is yet again another CMX Suite strip from a few years back. This one dealt with Bill Gates announcing his retirement and, well, being the loyal Apple user that I am, I thought it would be fun to poke a little fun at his retirement by depicting a bunch of “other” famous “bad guys” and how they would deal with retirement.
If I haven’t done my job well enough, that’s Jack from “The Shining” in panel two, Freddy from “Nightmare on Elm Street” in panel three and Darth Vader himself in the last panel. Vader’s colors were inspired by the old Marvel Star Wars comics that came out years ago when I was a kid. Back then, probably because of a lack of sophisticated color technology, Vader was always colored blue instead of black. So, that’s what I did here.
If you’re interested in reading “CMX Suite”, you can find it on the home page of Community MX every Wednesday or you can read my entire SIX YEAR ARCHIVE.
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