Calling Mr. Roboto…
This strip was inspired by the THREE robo calls back-to-back that we received yesterday during my daughter’s birthday party. As soon as I hung up the phone on the third one, I practically had the strip in my head already.
The two robots – as the tag line says – comes courtesy of Lee Cherolis. In this day and age of the internet, it’s very common to make life-long friends with people you might never actually get to meet face to face. But fortunately, for one summer, that wasn’t the case with Lee.
After befriending Lee on the internet for a few months, we were finally able to meet and hang out together during the 2008 Baltimore Comic Con. It was him, Topher Divalla and Joe Combs. After the con, I invited them all back to my place for bar-b-que and to stay the night before Lee and a friend of his headed back home to Indianapolis.
It’s been a while since I’ve talked to Lee as I know he’s a real busy illustrator who just recently got married so his life is pretty ful at the moment. But if you get a chance, you should either follow him on Twitter or check out his multiple web sites.
Those two robots are his creation and I always liked them but never drew them before.
Until today’s strip anyway.
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