Blonde Facts
So just a little thing I felt the urge to do as we artists sometimes say.
This is almost ENTIRELY done digitally on my iPad using Procreate. In actuality, this is the second version of this strip. The first version WAS done entirely on my iPad but , for some reason, I didn’t quite like it as much. I’ll come back to that in a moment.
One of the many reasons that I quit doing the strip regularly after straight years (almost eleven) was because it was getting harder for me to ink my pencils and I did everything on 11×17″ bristol board – light pencils, light lettering and then inking the strip with a variety of pens. because I tend to hold my inking pens pretty tight, eventually, I started developing a small cyst on my right wrist that would case my fingers to go numb every now an then.
Digitally drawing on the iPad has been a dream. The smoothness of the glass has (mostly) eliminated my habit of pressing on the bristol board too hard or feeling the small vibrations of the ink pens run across the board. I don’t have a huge Cintiq though so I am left with my still pretty awesome large iPad Pro and my Apple pencil.
That being said, even though I have drawn previous strips all digital, I still miss laying out the strip in pencils and actually find it easier to stage the strip as panel to panel as well. So, for this particular strip, I printed out my strip template on regular tabloid paper, rough sketched the strip and dialog and scanned my rough pencils.
I then imported my rough pencil and lettering sketch into Procreate and went about digitally inking, lettering and coloring in Procreate.
Overall, it was a super fast process.
sadly though, that’s not to say you’re going to start seeing regular Capes strips from me. I am currently working on Roy centered graphic novel but every now and then, you might see a new Capes & Babes strip pop up from time to time as I learn to perfect the process I started today.
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