#985 – Fear Itself…
Yeah, I know it’s Thursday but I am posting this strip because, if all goes well in terms of traffic from Washington DC to Philadelphia, I will have my table set up at the Wizard World Philly show by 3:00pm.
And, since the show runs from tomorrow (Thursday) to Sunday, I wanted people to be able to take advantage of my little freebie I offer whenever I go to a really big show – and since it’s my first FOUR Day show, I would say that’s pretty big!
So, if you’re planning on attending Wizard World Philly this weekend, go to Artist Alley and find Table B8 – that’s my table!
Go up to the table and either give me your best werewolf howl or tell me the punchline to this strip and I WILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING FOR FREE!
No lies. No gimmicks. No bait and switch.
I have been doing this for a number of years but it’s amazing how few people take advantage of this offer. But those that do REALLY get a kick out of it.
So I hope to see you at the show.
And I hope you take advantage
Any mail carrier will tell you it’s the little dogs they fear the most.
Apparently. 🙂
You know the unassuming characters are the ones with the most devious powers!