#895 – Creepy Commercial…
For those that might not be aware, from time to time, Roy appears on the local News Channel 4 station where he makes his own “Citizen Commentary”. For those of us that are of a “certain age”, at one time it was pretty common for the local news stations to occasionally have someone come in to the studio and make a “Citizen’s Commentary”.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go rent the Robin Williams movie, “The Survivors”. Early on in that movie, Robin makes a “Citizen’s Commentary”. Back in the day – when there were only four or five channels – this was not uncommon. And some of them could be really bizarre but the news stations ran them any way.
So now you all know the origin behind these “Citizen Commentary” strips.
Oh… and for those of you that might want to pint out the fact that Doctor Kevorkian passed away in 2011, I know that but Roy probably doesn’t. No one has ever accused Roy of being “up” on current affairs, after all…
Ha, ha! Thanks you Roy. I’m not the only person that got creeped out by that recent commercial.
So, do they keep one on hand for all of those segments or do they bring it whenever he is scheduled to appear? 🙂