756 – Smooth Operator…
“Smooth Operator”… I have a feeling that particular strip title has probably been used by almost every webcartoonist in existence at least once!
Hey… who am I to let a trend like that go to waste, ya know?
Also… for any keen eyed readers that might be curious… you might find that last panel looking veeeeery similar to yesterday’s last panel but I can assure you, it is not a cut & paste job. Every panel in Capes & Babes is hand-drawn. On those very rare occasions that I do use the “cut & paste technique”, I usually let you all know.
Understand though, I’m not against cutting and pasting. Doing so is simply utilizing another tool in an artist’s tackle box. If someone considers it cheating, then I would argue that using a computer is cheating as well. It’s almost akin to giving someone a car with a manual transmission and telling them they can’t use the 4th gear or else “they’d be cheating”.
So, if I’m not opposed to cutting and pasting, why am I making such a big deal out of the last panels in today’s and yesterday’s strips? Well, mainly because I just happened to have both original strips on my desk right before I was about to scan today’s strip and realized exactly how similar they were – which was a total and complete accident.
And I just wanted you all to know that.