743 – Fight Club…
Alright folks… “technically”, there’s something wrong with today’s strip. If anyone can figure it out, make a post in the comment section and the “winner” will get the awesome and highly sought after official Grand Royal Order of the Werewolf League
I’d tell you… but the first rule of fight club is don’t talk about fight club.
True, dat, Papa! 🙂
3 shots, 4 holes?
Correction; 3 shots, 5 holes. He’s good.
well, Hicks WAS a pretty good shot, but that’s not it. And I just gave you a pretty big clue there too. 🙂
This probably isn’t it, but in the second panel the guy’s one eyebrow isn’t filled in.
Hey Liz…. nope, Hick’s eye brow isn’t filled in because that’s a highlight effect. And Michael Biehn tends to have light eye brows instead of dark ones. 🙂
Well, to be technical the digital readout on the M41A1 Pulse Rifle is on the other side of the gun (the right side when pointing forward). In the comic it’s on the left side, which would be hard to read by anyone who is right handed as their left hand would be holding the front grip when firing, covering the readout.
Hmmm… really? I don’t remember that but it’s been a while since I’ve seen ALIENS. When it comes to that gun, I mostly remember Hicks showing Ripley how to shoot it. And then later on in the movie, a close-up shot of Ripley firing everything until the count reached 000. Never paid much attention to what side the bullet count was on.
But even though all of that might be correct Steve, that’s not really the “correct” answer I was looking for. The answer is a bit more simpler than that.
In ALIENS, Hicks (Michael Biehn’s character) actually is the only Marine that survives. Of course, in ALIENS III, his character is killed off screen, even before the movie practically started. So in this case, the “joke” still fits. 🙂
The only thing that comes to my attention is that perhaps Sean Bean’s scabbard is on the wrong side. But I doubt that’s it. 😉