That saying still exists, doesn’t it? My 17 year old daughter didn’t get it until my wife explained it to her.

I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad.

The Pittsburgh Comicon is this weekend!

And I will be there. I will also be offering this print FREE for everyone who purchases either a book or a commission from me:

And, for Friday’s strip, I will be offering my regular convention special for those attending the convention. For those of you that don’t know what I am talking about, for the last several years, when I go to conventions, underneath my Friday strip is an offer to the convention goers that if they come by my table during the con and mention Friday’s strip, they’ll get something for FREE!

But for Friday, I am going to be offering a small twist…

Whenever I do this, I’ve heard from several people that they are disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to attend XYZ Convention so I’m going to be adding something special just for those of you that can’t attend the Pittsburgh Comicon show…

On Friday, all you need to do is post a comment to the blog section underneath the strip and when I get back from the convention, I will send everyone who has posted something a FREE gift too!

But you can’t post anything until Friday!