717 – Bizarre from afar…
Twenty years and eight days ago, my wife and I were married.
What’s the significance of the eight days?
Because just a few hours ago, we were out celebrating those twenty years of marriage with a very great, relaxing dinner.
Why did we wait eight extra days before celebrating our twenty years of marriage?
Well, that happens when you have a special needs child and you can’t get someone to watch him until eight days after your anniversary (thanks again, Kelly).
Anyway, what I should be doing right now is taking this opportunity to tell my wife how much a STILL love her and appreciate how much she does with our son Tyler – not to mention our lovely daughter, Dani who will be turning 17 on Saturday.
But no… instead, I make a comic strip poking fun at my wife’s celebrity crush, Alex O’Loughlin.
See… you can get away with that when you’ve been married for twenty years.
I’ll let you guys know how the couch felt on Monday…
Congratulations! Happy anniversary. My wife and I are coming up on our 22nd anniversary in May.
I keep telling everyone I was drunk and had the weekend off. But I guess that doesn’t fly after the first 10 years. We had a wonderful time,dear and I appreciate the shout out,too. Hard to believe our little girl is going to be 17…and I still have hair!!
Better late than not at all!
That’s a good one – yes, many Alex O. crushes out there – for obvious reasons. What is that old term we used to use – chick magnet? That would be Alexo.
PS – Do more Alex – you will get tons of traffic at your site. Do you know how many people have Alex in their Google alerts? Try it & you will be amazed.