679 – Wishing you were here…
In case anyone is wondering, no, I have not actually seen “Silent Night, Bloody Night”. It was just a title that has always stuck in my head about this time every year. I mean, how could it not?
Besides, I just thought it would be fitting for a vampire to view a Christmas horror movie as a “tug-at-your-heart” movie. What Christmas movie do YOU think a vampire would consider to be “tug-at-your-heart” material? Feel free to share.I’m very interested in your suggestions. Who knows… maybe I will find another “Dog Soldiers” with your suggestions.
Also, my good friend, Ben Penrod, is putting a comic book show together in Waldorf, Maryl;and at the end of January. He asked me to come to his show and wanted me to send him some promotional material to put on his website to help promote the show. I sent him this:
What do you guys think? Also, feel free to share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit or wherever…
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