#1020 – Free Controversy
Hopefully, I did a couple of things in this strip that I was successful at:
- I was able to make the other werewolf distinctive enough that people realize he isn’t Roy
- That the other two “werewolves” in the second panel are actually humans wearing Werewolf Masks
But you guys have to be the judge of that. If those two things above are apparent, I did my job. If not, well… I’ll just have to try and do a better job next time.
You definitely succeeded at the second. The first, I should have been tipped off by the different color palette, if nothing else.
But at some point, you should make true this line from Warren Zevon’s _Werewolves of London_: “I saw a werewolf drinkin’ a pina colada at Trader Vic’s / And his hair was perfect”
I don’t care if he has to use a whole container of Brylcreem.
Both were quite clear to me. The skin tone around the eyes showed quite clearly that they were wearing masks.
And the text made it clear, too.
Hi, Chris. Are things going OK. We haven’t heard from you in months…
Hey Andrew…
I probably should have made an update blog post about everything that’s been going on. I’m fine and everything else in my life is going good but I haven’t been able to make any new updates to the strip because I have been super busy with my full time job, had a lot of commission work I had to complete and had a few multi-day conventions I had to attend.
But the real reason you hadn’t heard much from me was that although my full-time job has been going great, it was a Gov’t contract job that was ending in February 2016 so I have also been extremely busy going on interviews and applying for various jobs. The good news is that I secured a new one and the new job starts December 28th of this year. Hopefully, sometime in January, I can get back to doing the strip on a more regular basis.
Ahh.. been there, done that. We look forward to seeing your work again. Dang, that’s a cliffhanger you left us at!
I know just how he feels. I’m part American Indian, I feel the same way when I see a Pocahontas costume.