Chris’ 411
All about Chris…
The artist and writer of Capes ‘N’ Babes…
I grew up a poor white child…
Wait! That’s not right. It’s not even the correct quote – although it’s not altogether inaccurate. But since you clicked on this link, I guess I should feel obligated to tell you about myself since you’re obviously interested.
I grew up an Air Force Sargent brat (that’s where the poor white child comes in). I was born in Virginia but thanks to my dad’s time in the military, I’ve lived in Germany, California, Nevada, Florida and, eventually, back to Virginia – where I’ve currently lived since the 7th grade.
When I got to high school and had to decide on a particular language, I found out all too painfully that living four and a half years of my life in Germany did absolutely no good when it came to trying to learn the language. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was 8 when my dad was originally stationed in Germany.
At a very young age, I discovered my love of two things: baseball and art.
In high school, during my senior year, I was my baseball team’s starting second baseman but contracted a very serious case of mono – effectively ending my dreams of going pro (not that that would have happened anyway with my lack of speed or power). So I got a lot more serious about my art and went to Maryland College of Art and Design for one year. Although it was a great learning experience and REALLY forced me to get serious about my art – even more so then high school did – I decided I needed – and wanted more – of a true college experience. So I transferred to Radford University (but not before I met my eventual wife at MCAD).
At Radford, my art interest shifted to graphic design and illustration. I also created my first comic strip called 525 Calhoun Street – my off-campus apartment address at the time. The comic strip featured myself and all my friends. It ran in the college “alternative” newspaper as the newspaper tended to have a more critical view of the university then the official school newspaper did.
I also was the university mascot for two years (“Rowdy Red”).
Upon graduating, I did a wide variety of graphic design jobs – from paste-up artist for a local print shop to t-shirt artist and silk-screener until getting my “big break” by becoming a newspaper production artist. I specialized in designing automobile ads – which is especially ironic as I have nearly no auto mechanical skills whatsoever. I also occasionally did some editorial illustrations during my time with the newspaper.
Eventually, my skills as an automobile ad designer landed me at an advertising agency with a two hour commute (thanks to the wonderful Washington Metropolitan traffic). But it was during my time at this ad agency that I discovered my interest and love for the web so I started teaching myself web design and html.
I still kept drawing cartoons though.
Eventually, the advertising agency closed and my newfound web design skills landed me a new job as an art director/web master for a consulting firm specializing in non-profit agency work. I’ve been there ever since.
It was also during that time that I was able to co-write two books on web design and become a partner with CommunityMX – a web site dedicated to helping others learn the various aspects of web design. As a partner with CommunityMX, I developed and created a weekly web strip called CMX Suite – based on all the other CommunityMX partners.
CMX Suite has been running three straight years without a single missed deadline.
Through all this time, I also married the girl I originally met at MCAD, had two kids, continued to play baseball in a couple of men’s leagues and coached high school baseball for five years.
So, enough about me. What about you?
Something for you and your family:
Thanks, Arkanabar. Gonna pass this on to my wife as well.
Part time comic book artist… full time crime fighter. draw comics at night and police the mean streets during the day… Working hard to change the title the other way around.
H Chris – I met you at Baltimore Comic Con & bought one of your books. I live in Silver Spring MD, and I draw cartoons & teach cartooning in the DMV. Can you give me the link to the company you use to print your books? Please contact me if you want to have lunch & talk cartooning. Thanks, Paul
Hey paul… I know I responded to you on Facebook but I wanted to thank you for buying the book and I’m really glad you are enjoying it.