Now presenting… the Wolf Pack!

Capes & Babes Employee Badges2

That’s what we call people who would work at Capes & Babes if it was a real store or who are what you might consider a “super fan” of the strip. A “Super Fan” gets an employee badge with a specific code number on the back of each card. The code will enable them to receive a 10% “employee discount” from my online store.

Currently, I am in the process of creating a StoreEnvy store that will have the discount code automatically built in to the online check-out process. The StoreEnvy store isn’t complete yet but that’s alright – not many people have e-mailed me their Employee Code Number yet so I can’t issue a discount until I get that code number.

Now, below is a gallery of people who have bought an Employee Badge from me at various shows. Thus far, I only have three in the gallery but I need to scrounge around through all of my convention photos to see where the other 17 photos are. I know this because I originally created 25 badges and only have five left so somewhere in all of my convention files, there are 17 pictures of people holding up their badges. If you are one of those 17, you can also send me a picture of you holding your badge and I will add you to the Employee Gallery below.

If you are interested in getting your own badge, you can e-mail me at capesnbabes [at] for more information.

Here are the currently roster of the Capes & Babes Wolf pack Employees:

[nggallery id=20]