Okay, so first up, I guess I should mention the new face lift. This re-design has been a very long work in progress as I have been hard at work transitioning from WordPress 2.5 to 2.9. I can’t mention migrating from an earlier version of ComicPress to a new version – which this is – because my previous site design was what I had affectionately come to call “my Frankenstein version of ComicPress”.

You see, back in early 2007 when I was planning my Capes & Babes launch, ComicPress was a great little theme for WordPress but it lacked a lot of the flexibility it now has – especially with layouts. It had none except for its single column layout and I knew I always wanted a three column version. So, with a LOT of help from one of my web developer friends who was very good with PhP, we proceeded to hack the ComicPress theme until we got what had been my site for the last couple of years. So I hope you guys like it. It’s still a work in progress but for the most part, 90-95% of what you now see will stay the same.

If you want to give me feedback, just add something to the comment section or, if you want to do it privately, you can e-mail me at capesnbabes [at] gmail [dot] com.

Now on to the strip…
Robert Di Nero is one tough guy to caricature. But having said that, I should also mention many times when I do a caricature in this strip, I drastically alter the way I try to draw them. For these celebrities, I am almost always trying to shoot for an even bigger stylized version… what I’m really trying to go for is more or less kind of like a Flintstones style of caricature. Remember when a celebrity made an appearance on the Flinstones? They were highly caricaturized but also very simplified too. That’s what I’m trying to shoot for. Hopefully, I succeeded here with ol’ Bobby.

