Wedding List…
Tomorrow is the National Walk Now for Autism walk on the Mall in Washington DC. As many of you know, my son is autistic so our whole family will be on the mall bright and early Saturday morning.
If you would be interested in making a donation to Walk Now to fund research in to Autism, you can still do so by clicking the link to our Walk Now team and sending in a donation. Here’s the link:
Once you click the link, it will go to a secure section of the site – in case anyone is worried about that sort of thing because they don’t see an https in the URL above…
As far as the strip goes, I hope you’ve been enjoying this little story ark as Roni and Roy travel to Philadelphia so Roy can DJ Dawn Griffin’s wedding reception. You really should check out Dawn’s comic strip and drop a congratulations in her comment section!
Reminder, I will be at the NC Comic Con 2-day show next weekend and at the VA Comic Con the following weekend after that. If you plan on attending either convention, I am offering PREE-ORDER COMMISSIONS again for $10 off the regular price. I did this for the Baltimore Comic Con and it turned out to be pretty darn successful and popular.
So, here’s the deal… instead of my regular $30 at con price, you can get a pre-order commission for $20 instead. Just send me the money via Paypal, let me know what character you want and which con you’ll be at – NC Comic Con or VA Comic Con and I’ll have your commission waiting for you at that particular con.
Pretty good deal, eh?
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