I want to thank everyone so far that have either sent me e-mails, Tweets or left a comment here on this blog about my current job situation. Your kind thoughts and (hopefully) helpful networking leads will help prevent me from being out of work for too long.

Now, with that being said, the nice thing is the last two days have allowed me to finally complete 95% of the first Capes & Babes book. I’m still going over some tweaks and correcting typos and everything but the book is done. Essentially.

Sometime next week, I will post a pre-order graphic right below the strip so if you’re interested, here’s what you will find in the first ever Capes & Babes trade paperback collection:

  1. 164 pages filled with the first 212 strips of Capes & Babes.
  2. Some director’s commentary on a select number of strips.
  3. Capes & Babes Sketchbook “extras” – featuring detailed notes on background characters that only appeared in a handful of strips.
  4. Random sketches featuring a variety of characters.
  5. A “How to draw Marc, Joey and Roy” section.
  6. A sample of some of my favorite “CMX Suite” strips.
  7. Sketches and convention commissions.
  8. A sample of my T-shirt design work.
  9. And… never before seen ANYWHERE… you get eight – that’s right, EIGHT samples of my college strip. Again… never before seen ANYWHERE except in this book and the newspaper they were published in!!!
  10. A full color cover.
  11. And a forward by the king of puns himself, Brad Guigar!

If that interests you, send me an e-mail at capesnbabes [at] gmail.com to find out how you can get an exclusive artist edition (artist sketch and signed cover). This is exclusive offer to ALL pre-orders!!!
