Today’s (the 17th) my daughter’s birthday…
Yes I know that title of this blog entry doesn’t have anything to do with the strip but what the hey… my daughter’s thirteen today – yes, on Saint Patrick’s Day. Three more years and I’ll have to deal with the whole sweet sixteen thing. But for now, I’ll just sit back and enjoy her being thirteen. I hope her thirteenth year was better then mine…
I had a miserable 13th year… mainly because I had to quit playing baseball that year. The little place in the Nevada desert where I lived at the time only had Little League up to 12 years old so when I turned 13, I had to quit playing. At least until we moved to Florida half a year later. But by then, it was too late. It took me several years to “catch up” to everyone else. And, maybe… in some ways, I’m STILL trying desperately to “catch up” by playing in all the men’s rec baseball leagues that I do.
But anyway, today is HER day. Not mine so I wish her a very merry birthday celebration. Happy Birthday Dani!
Now, on a side note, today’s the first hand lettered strip I’ve ever published. I will keep trying this to see if I can’t make the lettering a bit better but for now, what do you all think? Was this a good first attempt? Is the lettering so awful, you can’t read the strip? Or, does the hand lettering bring a more “personal touch” to the strip? Curious creator of the strip wants to know…
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