Tiger Blood… #532
By now, many comic book fans – especially those of us that attend comic book conventions – know of Rob Granito. If you don’t know that name, do a Google search and read all about what has recently been going on with him and his… “art”.
The reason I bring this up is I have a strip idea involving Rob and I’ve been thinking about doing it but I’ve sort of been backing out of it a little bit because I know the guy has been taking a brutal hit from the online comic book community and I don’t know if I want to be just one more guy jumping on top of that pile – whether or not it’s warranted or not.
I think the strip is a funny one and, honestly, not particularly all that “cruel” or “angry” as I’ve seen other cartoons concerning Rob. But still… the situation with Rob is very convoluted and rather kind of bizarre. I’m not sure how he could have gotten away with being as blatantly dishonest as he has been for AS LONG as he has been. That’s the thing that gets me. Why did it take a few YEARS for a couple of true industry professionals to call him out and expose hid falsehoods?
What are YOUR thoughts about Rob and what he has been doing for so many years and do you guys really wanna see a Capes & babes strip featuring Rob?
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