The Last Straw… #509
A few weeks ago, I believe I mentioned in this blog that I was going to start trying to do a few things differently with the strip so I didn’t feel the pressure of not having a buffer – or trying to create one and getting burned out in the process. Well, one of those things I have been trying differently is drawing as many strips as I possibly can on the weekend so I could enjoy my week nights a little more. Well, thus far, that’s been a great change.
Since I’ve started, I’ve managed to always get at least two strips completely done by Sunday evening. Mostly that’s because I’m also trying to get the Extras content of the second book together at the same time – otherwise, I’m finding it’s not that difficult to knock out three strips between Friday and Sunday evening.
I mention this only because, had I not started doing that, today’s strip would have been a filler – if there would have been anything at all. You see, my little guy knocked himself silly this afternoon while playing in his room. Don’t know how he did it – that’s one of those wonderful things about autism… you don’t always get the answers you want, seek or desire. You get the answers THEY want to give you and sometimes, those answers can be down right confusing or a little bit scary.
My wife ended up taking our little guy to the ER – mainly for precautionary measures and to make sure he didn’t have a concussion. As it turns out, it looks like he has inherited his dad’s hard head and everything seems to be okay. But needless to say, the waiting around was not conducive to drawing or trying to be funny.
So once again, for all you wanna be cartoonists (and I include myself in that category), this is another prime example of why a buffer can be so darn important.
Getting off my soap box now. Here’s hoping you all have a nice, concussion-free day as well as my little guy!
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