Susie’s Auto Parts… #514
It’s very strange where ideas come from. It’s even a bit stranger concerning the strip.
You see, very rarely do I work from an advanced script or have long story arcs outlined or planed. It’s not that I “wing it”. I’m almost always thinking about the strip, jokes or plot ideas every free moment I get. I’m just not as organized as I need to be in terms of writing all these ideas in a notebook. Sometimes that’s a bad thing. Sometimes it’s a good thing.
With the bad things, the story arcs seem to either go on and on or simply and quickly die. With the good things though, you can have an idea about one thing and suddenly, without warning, a new idea will hot and force you to go in a completely different direction.
That’s what currently happening now. Only this time, I have things worked out.
I just don’t have them written down.
Well, at least not yet, anyway.
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