No, not the classic 80’s Tom Hank’s mermaid movie. 🙂

Today, I want to give a shout out to one of my favorite Podcasts – the Night Gig Gigcast. JT and Scott do a wonderfully consistent Podcast where they feature, plug and mention the heck out of a ton of other web comics out on the web – and we’re not just talking about the well known or ultra popular ones either.

Heck, they’ve already mentioned Capes & Babes on at least three podcasts so far – including their latest (Gigcast 177). Seriously guys, you’ve mentioned me so many times already, when are we gonna set up an interview? 🙂

Okay, that’s enough of the plugging. Seriously though, check them out on iTunes or on the link above and give their podcast a listen. I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I do.
