So, how many of you are getting into the Olympics this year? I wasn’t all that much interested in them… until they actually started. Now, I can’t seem to stop watching them.

Also, I wanted to mention some stuff about Friday’s strip. Here is the significance things about the Wolverine movie poster… THIS poster (in case you missed it):

Capes & Babes movie poster

1) It IS a simplified version of the Wolverine mini-series written by Frank Miller years ago.
2) I did reverse the “cover” from the mini-series.
3) I also would have included his claws but ran out of space.
4) And th significance of “Return to Red Dawn”? Well, that was my nod to the early 80’s teen action flick, “Red Dawn”. In the movie, the kids that wage war against the invading Russian army adopted their high school mascot for the name of their “army” as there’s a famous part of the movie where C. Thomas Howel holds up an automatic weapon and yells “Wolveriiiiiines”!
