Running Errands…
So… one of my really great webcartoonist friends, Dawn, is getting married and, as such, she asked a bunch of webcartoonists to help her out by submitting guest strips, pin-ups and all sorts of other art for her while she in the midst of saying her “I do’s”.
And, of course, being the friendly cartoonist I am, I told her I wanted to do something for her and agreed to send her something. But, being the BAAAAAAD cartoonist that I am, I went and got sick and procrastinated way too long in getting something to her. But late last week, as I was finishing up the couple of strips featuring Roni and Joey, I had an idea that I thought was pretty cool.
Originally, I didn’t exactly know where last week’s strips were going to go – I just knew that I’ve really neglected to expand and explore Joey and Roni in the strip so I thought I’d give them a little “girl time” but really, after last week’s strips, I didn’t know what I was going to do next. Until I remembered Dawn’s wedding. And, of course, my procrastination at getting her that artwork I promised.
So… I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Today’s strip should be a pretty big clue as to where I’m going to be going with this thing so hopefully, you guys will enjoy it and go along with the ride with me.
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